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It’s Time for New Jersey to Do Its Part in The National Recovery

Bookmark and Share    In 2009, New Jersey voters took a stand and decided to change the state’s course.  We rejected the notion that more government and more government spending was the answer to all of our problems and elected a Governor who had the courage to tackle everythings from out of control entitlements and big unions, to education reform and property taxes.  We elected a Governor who was willing to stand up to special interests and cut costs instead of insider deals.  Thanks to Chris Christie, New Jersey is now on a slow but steady pace to economic solvency and legislative sanity. 

There is still a long way to go but in a matter of just months, New Jersey went from being a state of chaos and a national joke to a state of recovery and a positive national example.

Yet while we have turned the corner on leadership at the statewide level, we continue to be a part of the problem on the national level.  Instead of sending the same type of leadership to Washington D.C. that turned things around at home, we send to Washington D.C. the political version of Snooky and “The Situation”.  Like caricatures , Bob Menendez and Frank Lautenberg are liberal exagerations that epitomize the policies and politics that have steered the United States towards a leadership deficit and economic bankruptcy. 

It is time for New Jersey to send to the United States Senate, leadership that can solve problems rather than be a part of the problem and make us proud rather than a national punchline.

That is why this effort ti draft Judge Andrew Napolitiano has been started.

The circumstances facing our state and nation are far too dire to leave up to the traditional, broken political process.  We can not wait for Republicans and Democrats to offer us a choice between the lesser of two evils.  Instead we must take control of the process and  force it to choose between the political establishment, or the people that are suppose to be represented in the political process.

We, the people of New Jersey, know that we have more to offer than Snooky and the cast of The Jersey Shore.  We know that we have leaders who are far better than Frank Lautenberg and Bob Menendez.  In our backyard exist a man who the nation knows as a solid voice for constitutional government and fiscal sanity.  In our own state, is a man who has become a trusted voice and a state treasure.  That man is Judge Andrew P. Napolitano.  And so it is with pride that we launch this effort to draft Judge Napolitano to represent us in the United States Senate.

This effort will not achieve its goals overnight.  It will take time. Like everything else in politics, it is a process, that will start out slow and build momentum.  It is not financed by the special interests or political Parties that often have a way of polluting the process.  It is a grassroots effort by people who are fed up with the special interests that abuse our political process and negatively influence it.   Competeing with the well financed fat cats of politics will be hard for a penniless campaign to succeed, but in the end, we hope to prove that the power of the peeople is more influential than the power that comes from the pockets of the political elite and their benefactors.

Even though the election for the United States Senate will  not take place until Novemember of next year, the need to begin the process to draft Judge Napolitiano must start now.   And while we wish not to take any attention away from the important state legislative elections that will take place this Novemeber, we can afford to waste anytime time in getting this cause off the ground. 

So in the coming weeks, we hope you will begin to do your part in getting the word out about Judge Napolitano.  Sign the petition that seeks to noiminate Judge Napolitano for the United States Senate.  Pass the link to that petition ( http://www.petitiononline.com/NJSenate/petition.html ),  on to your friends and neighbors who are registered New Jersey voters, and be sure to check back here often.  In time The Draft Judge Andrew Napolitano for United States Senate site, will be providing hard copies of the draft petition for citizens to pass around and have signed in person.  We will be sponsoring organizational meetings and public rallies.  With your help, we will be running a true grassroots campaign.  It will take time and work, but it will be worth it.

So please be sure to bookmark this site and let your friends know about us.  The 2012 elections are actually coming upon us faster than you think.  You can rest assured that Senator Menendez is not wasting anytime in getting his political machine primed up.  So we must do the same.

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Effort to Draft Judge Andrew Napolitano to Run for U.S. Senate Against Bob Menendez in 2012 is Launched

For Immediate Release                                                                                                                                                 
Contact: Anthony Del Pellegino

Effort to Draft Judge Andrew Napolitano to Run for U.S. Senate Against Bob Menendez in 2012 is Launched

Bookmark and Share   As the national political maneuvering for a nominee to oppose President Obama in 2012 slowly gains momentum, many in New Jersey are looking not only at changing the direction we are currently headed in by replacing one leader for another in the White House. They are also looking to help turn this nation around by replacing one of the individuals who represents our state in the U.S. Senate. And the man they seek to do that with is Judge Andrew Napolitano.

As such, today one grassroots Republican activist has introduced a website that intends to test the waters in an attempt to draft Judge Napolitano in to next year’s U.S. Senate race.

Anthony Del Pellegrino the creator of DraftNapolitanoNJ.wordpress.com states that this campaign to draft Judge Andrew Napolitano to run for the U.S. Senate from New Jersey “is a manifestation of disatisfaction with a political process that has become controlled by career politicians.”  He adds that this campaign to draft Judge Andrew Napolitano to run for the U.S. Senate from New Jersey is based on three basic factors.

  • The dissatisfaction with the state Republican Party’s inability to recruit and nominate candidates who have been able to mount truly viable campaigns for the U.S. Senate, and the inability of those candidates who were nominated to effectively articulate the case against the liberal policies of those who currently hold the state’s two U.S. Senate seats.
  • Our belief that Judge Andrew Napolitano is a leader who has a true understanding of what is wrong in America and why we are headed in the wrong direction.
  • The understanding that Judge Napolitano has the proven ability to rise above partisan politics and the political rhetoric, and advance the cause of creating a responsible but limited federal government.

According to Del Pellegrino, defeating Democrat incumbent Bob Menendez in 2012 is essential to advancing a limited, constitutional based, government and defeating Menendez is just as important to the future of our nation as is who we elect for President in 2012.

“The balance of power could be held in the hands of New Jersey where, depending on whether Republican win the vice president’s tie-breaking vote in 2013 or not, Republicans could pick up the third or fourth seat they need to wrest control of the United States senate away from the liberal led Democrat majority that currently exists and which Menendez is a part of” , said Del Pellegrino.

At the moment the G.O.P. is poised to go through an election cycle inwhich they could easily win seats currently held by Democrats in North Dakota, Nebraska, Montana, and Missouri. They also have a good chance to win Virginia, New Mexico and Wisconsin. But a defeat of former Governor Jon Corzine’s hand picked successor, Bob Menendez, could insure Republicans control of the senate.  
“In the recent past, New Jersey Republicans have failed to nominate a candidate strong enough to defeat Menendez. Instead they ran with establishment candidates who were career politicians and only offered New Jersey voters the opportunity to replace one career politician for another”, said Del Pellegrino.

New Jersey has not elected a Republican to the U.S. Senate since 1972 and some believe that the current slate of possible candidates for the Republican senate nomination have little chance of breaking that drought. Yet they do believe that Andrew Napolitano, a former New Jersey Superior Court justice, can.

Judge Napolitano, who is currently the chief judicial analyst for FOX News, represents all the principles that voters reinforced in the 2010 midterm elections.

Andrew Napolitano is a devout scholar of the United States Constitution, and understands that it is a document that is being abused and circumvented by power-hungry legislators in a runaway legislative process. His respect for the law and the founding principles of our nation are unsurpassed and is only part of a solid foundation for representing the people of New Jersey in the United States.

Unlike Bob Menendez and more so than any of the other current potential 2012 G.O.P. senate nominees, Judge Napolitano knows that government can not be effective or sustained by spending more than it has. He also knows that it does not serve the people by reaching in to their pockets and spending their money on unsustainable federal programs that cost more than they are worth. Andrew Napolitano truly understands that the government which governs best, governs the least and he knows that the true greatness of this nation is based not in its federal bureaucracy, but its people.

For these reasons, today the Draft Judge Andrew Napolitano for U.S. Senate effort begins.


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